About GOAL

Welcome to the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program website! We appreciate your interest and encourage your participation in this exciting K-12 scholarship opportunity.

In 2008, Georgia's elected officials had the remarkable vision to pass the Education Expense Credit law to provide families in our state with access to better educational opportunities for their children. Their legislative leadership resulted in what has been described as the nation's best education expense credit law. Since inception, the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program has been leading the way in implementing this important legislation through our ethical, transparent and proven approach.

  • GOAL limits scholarship assistance to deserving families: Although not required by Georgia law to do so, GOAL provides voluntary guidelines for scholarship applicant household income and scholarship award amounts that GOAL's participating private schools have enthusiastically embraced. Also, in 2011, GOAL implemented a REACH-GOAL Fund that serves contributors who want to specifically target low-income families.
  • GOAL values the role of private school communities: GOAL was not created merely to process scholarship applications for a fee and mail checks to parents. By involving its participating schools in the scholarship award process, GOAL has built a level of cooperation and trust with private school communities around Georgia for meeting the financial, academic, and other needs of scholarship recipients and their families.
  • GOAL values the role of the business community: GOAL views its corporate supporters as important advisors and allies in improving educational opportunities and outcomes and, when desired, creates public awareness of their investment in the program and provides opportunities for volunteerism and mentoring to their employees.
  • GOAL emphasizes transparency and accountability: GOAL is setting a national standard for operating in a transparent and accountable manner—adopting Model Ethical Principles and Standards and voluntarily publishing on its website GOAL's annual contribution and scholarship award results and a Transparency and Accountability Survey.

GOAL will continue to operate in a manner that is a credit to its scholarship recipients, private school communities, individual and corporate contributors, and the State of Georgia.
